luni, 13 septembrie 2010

"Were in thw army now" Intro!

EN: Epic intro for an epic movie... Really wished thy would make a movie after this entire album (Vama Veche - Am Sa Ma Intorc barbat)... The people who know the album Probably already know the "movie"... Pure epicness...

OK... So this would be the perfect intro sing for a movie of these proportions... Just this music on the background and some nice slide show images of the movie representing some of the most important scenes...

I honestly can already see th intro... And the movie... And the positive rewievs to the story...

None of the songs belong to me... Just thought I should mention...


RO: Intro genial pentru un film genial... Chiar as vrea sa vad un film dupa acest album (Vama Veche - Am Sa Ma Intorc barbat)... Oameni care cunosc deja albumul probabil cunosc si "filmul"... Geniu pur...

Deci... Acesta ar fii o melodie perfecta pentru genericul de inceput pentru un film de aceste proportii... Doar muzica aceasta pe fundal si un "slide show" de imagini representand unele din cele mai importante scene din film...

Eu, in mod sincer, pot deja vedea introul... Si filmul... Si toate criticile positive...

Melodiile nu imi apartin... Vroiam doar sa mentionez...

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