sâmbătă, 6 martie 2010

I got a feelin'

You just got to love "those" mornings... You wake up, your head hurts, your clothes are dirty, your hair is all messed up, chances are that you are in a foreign bathroom and minutes later you realize that something went terribly wrong last night...

Just watch as your night out anthem becomes your morning after anthem.

We all had those mornings... And if you say you didn't then you are ether 13 or under or you didn't get to live your life... J.K.

But still... Awesome feeling... Or not... Well, it's kinda awesome a few days after you wake up because the first day you ARE going to feel like crap...

The song isn't really a song itself, but rather a parody... Not rather... Actually parody :D...

These guys (Collegehumor) are just awesome... They got some of the most amazing and funny clips on YT ATM. Worth seeing...

They Deleted it off YT! before I got to DL it... Link: http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1924835

The song is brilliant, better than the original song by BEP.

Waking up hammered, injured and confused in a bathroom you have never seen before (or a hospital room in my case) trying to realize WTF happened... Clothes are trashed/dirty and you are still drunk a little. Even getting to the bathroom door is hard... You find yourself in a utterly destroyed room filled with broken bottles, clothes, food and objects you have not seen till then (Probably stolen by some random person at the party... Or you) and some guy/chick wakes up looks at you and smiles... WTF?!?!?

You check your phone and see countless calls (Missed) and messages... Most being from your current GF/BF and/or parents... Panic hits... The question "what do i do now?" is racing through your mind... You WILL have to face them at one point... Lying seems the best option now...

Just go home and take a bath... You need it... Long hair? Ah crap... Just wash it... Don't look in the mirror... Keep your hands out of it because you do not want to know that's in it...


You tell yourself that, and i quote, "I will never drink again in my life"... Liar...

Two days pass and what do you do? Enjoy a beer with your friends... There we go again...


But really... The song rocks... It's so close to personal experiences and it's just so... Exhilarating!

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