sâmbătă, 8 octombrie 2011


Progress for the sake of progress... We evolve continuously, but at what price?


We delude ourselves with the so called simplicity of the life we have created... We turn "want" into "need"... We managed to turn a luxury, a pleasurable activity, into a necessity...

Most of us can't even comprehend a life without a computer... Well, not without a computer... Without Internet...

And what irony to be writing this on the Internet...

Internet became a natural (not in real terms) extension to our bodies and minds... Soon a replacement...

Why bother remembering anything if the Internet can tell you what you forgot... Why leave the sanctity of your humble home to socialize if all that is a click away... Why bother living in reality if it's to streamline, to boring, to usual for you... Why be yourself if you can deceive the others with a face face you created on the Internet...

We don't hurry, we realize time is passing... We don't think, we Google... We don't speak our minds, we post...

We evolve and forget to be happy... We bury joy under a sea of bits... We are taught to seek love on the Internet... Life is speed, and we can't stop... We can't hide any longer... They seek us... Know us... See us... We are all identified...

We are to connected...

You can't say no... They won't let you believe...


We are crushed if we dare to stop... Crushed under the weight of those who follow blindly... Walking in the line...

We are fooled into thinking there is no other way... We are deceived so we don't question this new wave...


We need to log out of that illusion and back into reality...
Somebody needs to stop this invasion of bits...
Someone needs to teach us how to be truly happy once more...


Vama Veche - Fericire

Just for you... A flicker of hope on the dark sea of the modern world... A world that forgot about the need to be happy... To be free... And replaced that need with a materialistic and egocentric need...
The hope that there still are people who would give all the technology in the world for one moment... Just one single moment of real happiness... And true love... And just have a true smile on there lips...






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